SDA's Flooring Fundraiser
We have made the laminate wood flooring work for as long as possible, but now it is time to cover it with the appropriate material, Marley.
Marley provides dancers with the necessary amount of friction, allowing them to move effortlessly and gracefully while feeling secure that the floor has their back. Purchasing all necessary materials for the Marley flooring to cover the entire studio surface area, will cost us $6,000.
Phase #1 - Marley Flooring Cover will be installed August 6th.
Phase #2 - Respringing the floor is a bigger project and our goal is to complete this over winter break 2023 and will cost about $2,000.
We would be deeply grateful for your consideration and contribution towards this cause, which will make a significant difference for all of our dancers in the studio. All funds raised will go towards the completion of this floor project. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support, and every donation however big or small is greatly appreciated. ♥️🙏🏽